Prof Philip Morris AM
Specialist in Psychiatry of Old Age (psychogeriatrics)
Specialist in Adult Psychiatry
Specialist in Addiction Medicine
Specialist in Medico-legal and Forensic Psychiatry
Gold Coast Specialist Rooms
2/145 Nerang St,
Southport QLD 4215

Welcome to my website!
The purpose of this website is to introduce you to my qualifications and experience, to the services I provide, and to my professional interests.
I am a physician with substantial experience in addiction medicine, adult psychiatry and psychogeriatrics (the psychiatry of older age). I qualified in medicine in Sydney and did specialty training in Sydney and Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, before undertaking further clinical training and postdoctoral research at Brown University and The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the USA. For more details see the ‘About Me’ page.
I practice from consulting rooms in Southport, Queensland, Australia (see the ‘Your Appointment’ page). I offer tele-health consultations for referred patients through the use of Skype or similar video-conferencing programs. All these services are available through my practice via the ‘Your Appointment’ page.
I am involved in medical research through clinical drug trials for dementia conditions and innovative approaches to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive problems. I enjoy teaching and run educational lectures and workshops and mentor medical students and junior and senior colleagues.
My professional interests cover a number of clinical and medico-political areas – see the ‘Recent Posts’, ‘Articles’ and ‘Blog’ pages of the website. I am also involved in additional professional activities – see the ‘Additional Activities’ page. The Blog is a public domain discussion of topics – please feel welcome to make a comment. For private and confidential contact with me please use the email form on the ‘Contact Me’ page.
I look forward to serving you. Philip Morris.
Research Studies
Please listen to this radio podcast on dementia at the following link:
For informatlion on participating in Alzheimer’s disease research clinical trials on the Gold Coast contact me by email at in the first instance, or call me on 0422545753, or put this link in your computer browser:
Latest News and Blogs
How to approach seriously a child’s belief that they are ‘born in the wrong body’
We are often told by trans advocates that the only approach when assisting a child or adolescent who has gender distress and wants to transition to another gender incongruent with their biological sex is that we should ‘affirm’ them. In this situation affirm means to...
Social Media Minimum Age Legislation
The proposed federal Social Media Minimum Age legislation will prohibit children under 16 from accessing social media accounts, citing their increased vulnerability to platform-related harms. While the Act does not delve into the physiological basis for this...
Canary in the Gold Mine (PowerPoint)
Canary in the Gold Mine powerpoint.pptxDownload