The soon to arrive huge wave of medical graduates from all the new medical schools and the increasing class sizes in established medical schools poses major problems. If these young doctors (well mostly young) are to avoid years and years of sitting around in hospital medical officer positions (or worse sitting on the unemployed ranks) waiting for limited places in specialist training programs so that they can have a path to independent practice, we need a huge expansion of specialist training positions in private sector settings, especially in the private practice offices of specialists – the way trainees in general practice are offered experience in GP practices. Funding will be a problem as the vast majority of specialist registrar training positions are currently only in the public sector. But this problem has been overcome in the training of GP registrars in private GP practice so with goodwill and committment it should be possible for this to happen in the specialist private sector.
Specialist training opportunities for the new huge wave of medical graduates from Australian medical schools
by Philip Morris | Oct 30, 2013 | Articles