My Blog
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): What is it, how to identify it, and what to do about it? The general public is aware that we are seeing the increase of dementia conditions. This creates anxiety, especially as one gets older. The fear is not unreasonable given that the aging of our population puts...
The Australian Mental Health Crisis – A Cautionary Tale For Developing Nations – Update
The Australian mental health crisis - A cautionary tale for developing nations Prof Philip Morris MB BS BSc med PhD FRANZCP FAChAM (RACP) ABPN Consultant Physician in Psychiatry Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association Gold Coast Medical...
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development I have become very concerned over recent times that medical college CPD programs are becoming more prescriptive and less flexible for their members. These programs ask doctors to spend a number of hours at the beginning of each year developing a professional...
End mandatory reporting for doctors treating doctors
Mandatory Reporting A Queensland parliament committee is currently reviewing legislation to make some changes to the mandatory reporting rules of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA). At the moment doctors treating other doctors for mental health problems or physical...
The Australian mental health crisis: A cautionary tale for developing nations
The Australian mental health crisis: A cautionary tale for developing nations Prof Philip Morris MB BS BSc med PhD FRANZCP FAChAM ABPN Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association Gold Coast Medical Association Hello all I thank the Pasifika...
The ‘Antidote’ to Loss
The ‘Antidote’ to Loss, Guilt, Shame, Loneliness, Isolation and Resentment I am a physician specialising in mental illness – a psychiatrist. I have an interest in suicide prevention – see website – the article on ‘Nine steps to halt suicide’. But today I want to explore a more...
Progress on anti-stigma activities in Australia
Reduce stigma and vilification of individuals with mental illness by focussing on preventing discrimination
In search of Alzheimer’s disease Holy Grail
In search of Alzheimer’s disease Holy Grail and finding an esteemed colleague In late March this year (2018) I attended the Advances in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Therapies An AAT-AD/PD Focus Meeting in Torino (Turin), Italy. This meeting provides the most up-to-date information on scientific...
An Approach to Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Addiction: Distinguishing Symptoms from Disorder
An Approach to Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Addiction: Distinguishing Symptoms from Disorder Prof Philip Morris November 2017 Aims To distinguish symptoms from syndromes and to identify disorders from distress - with relation to dementia, depressive disorders, and alcohol and ICE addictions To...
Medication treatment of ICE use disorders – an update
Treatment of ICE Use Disorders ICE = crystal methamphetamine Crystal chunks or ice or glass looking substance derived from pseudoephedrine Most commonly used illicit drug after cannabis Smoked, snorted or IV use Gives euphoria, ‘rush’, confidence, loss of inhibitions – risk taking behaviour...